My 8 year old son did the Davis Dyslexia reading program. He changed after just one week, from being terrified when someone asked him to read, to reading quite competently for his age. He attends school now with confidence that he can cope with his classwork. He is also much calmer in all circumstances now that he has become oriented.
J’ai plus confiance pour lire à haute voix (des histoires aux enfants) . Je comprends plus de mots et je connais mieux leurs origines. La partie maths m’a beaucoup aidé : j’arrive à calculer mentalement et j’ai moins besoin d’utiliser un stylo et du papier.
De Davismethode is niet een trucje, maar een manier van denken en leven, die van het positieve van het kind en de mens uitgaat. Mijn jongste zoon kan nu beter en sneller lezen en schrijven en hij voelt zich minder onzeker. Hij kan zich beter oriënteren en concentreren op zijn schoolwerk.
Alex is a senior this year and is planning on attending Northeast Community college majoring in building construction. He has been on the honor roll for the last two years and we owe it all to the Davis program. As his mother and a school teacher, I still say it was a “Godsend” for my son.
In mijn poëzie kan ik nu veel dieper reiken dan voorheen. Ik heb geleerd te herkennen wanneer en waardoor ik uit de oriëntatie ga en ook kan ik die desoriëntatie gemakkelijk herstellen. Dat heeft me al vaak goede diensten bewezen in allerlei situaties zoals auto rijden, tennis in een grote hal, lesgeven terwijl ik moe of afgeleid ben en het voordragen van nieuwe gedichten.
There was a remarkable change. What was most interesting for me to watch was his ability to read information around him – signs, posters, pamphlets etc. He had previously struggled so much with this type of reading. Also, he has read chapter books on his own now.
Paul a suivi deux stages « Davis ». Dès le deuxième jour de son premier stage, il a tout simplement découvert la lecture : il lisait les panneaux sur la route, les noms des magasins, que jusque là il n’avait « pas le temps de voir ». Ses progrès ont aussi été très rapides et visibles dans sa vie quotidienne, pour manger (avec des baguettes !), faire des noeuds, jouer au badminton, etc.
I am able to remember what I read. I can retain information and concentrate better. I am able to fully understand my potential and everything I am capable of doing. I am able to plan for the future.
The Davis Dyslexia Correction Program and Davis Attention Mastery helped my son gain a lot of confidence and literally has turned my son around. No academic probation. His teachers are amazed at the difference it has made in him. In addition, there is a positive difference with his attitude at home!
The Davis Program was the best week of my life. When I went I was reading at a grade 3 level and by Friday I was reading at a grade 7 level. Thank you for giving me the tools to get rid of my confusions.
My daughter has an interest in reading she has never shown before. She reads with growing confidence and she reads words that were once difficult with ease. She reads with conviction.
Emma has steadily improved in her academic performance since her Davis Dyslexia Training and she has really excelled. She is in 4th Grade and just received a report card with STRAIGHT A’s!!!! On her last reading assessment she had improved by an additional 100 points from her previous assessment
Naast alles wat ik van je geleerd heb, zie ik steeds meer ‘de gave van dyslexie’, een positief iets. Bijvoorbeeld, dat vrienden mee uitgaan en tegen me zeggen dat ik even in de menigte moet kijken waar de rest is. Ik gebruik mijn -ik kijk even snel over de pagina heen-eigenschap nu op mijn werk om kort een beeld te krijgen wat wel en niet belangrijk is om te weten in een rapportage. Dus inderdaad, een wonder bestaat…
The Davis program has not simply helped my reading and writing but, has also helped wonders with my concentration, organization and, surprisingly even my posture. Having just completed the program under a week ago, I have felt the effects which seem to transplant change in me everyday.
This is amazing. I can see all the letters and words now. I don’t have to guess anymore!
He is still avidly reading and, is discovering a whole new range of novels in the school library. The week he spent on the Davis programme had such a positive impact on his learning and I still remember him coming out after the first day of the programme saying “Mum, this is the way I learn”.
I can think easily now. I can see accurately and words are coming out at me more easily and reading and writing are easier now. I feel much better about me now — I’m more focused.
My letters stay focused. I learned my right and left. I don’t fall down the stairs anymore. I feel that I can do anything now with my dyslexia. I feel much, much, much, much, much better.
Relief! Finally a concept that allows my son to see how and why his mind works the way it does. We have tried other programs and talked to teachers to no avail. Teachers could identify my son had difficulty reading but had no logical reasoning why or how to help him. In a short period, I have seen his reading, self-esteem and writing improve immensely. It is like he has taken a miracle drug without the side-effects.
I am just amazed at how well the program has worked for my son. We have been able to do homework without crying or whining or scolding.
It has been six months since I did the Davis Program. I now find that I read better and it’s easier to do my schoolwork. My Davis tools have helped me to focus better and listen intently during lessons. When I focus, my thoughts are clear and I can write them down well. I like using the Davis tools and now I have a goal to be a mechanical engineer..
Things have gotten 1,000 times easier! I used to look at a book and think ‘that’s a lot of words’, but last night I actually read them!
I got the only A+ in my math class my first semester at the Junior High. I haven’t gotten below a B since we worked together.
This program has helped make my school work easier. I understand my work now and my grades have gone up. I can read a lot faster. I can see the pictures in my mind because I understand what I am reading now.
The pain of reading has turned to the joy of reading. I can’t read enough, I want to read all the time and I find myself getting better and better with better comprehension. My hands don’t sweat and my heart doesn’t race when I sit down to read a book. I love to sit with my kids and read a story instead of making up a story as I turn each page. A whole new world has been opened up to me.
I have changed my morning routine. I am getting to work on time. I have learnt how to make a plan and actually get things done. I feel that I can plan for a year as well as a day. I am working better in the office. I know how to plan for my studies better.
We did the program and what a difference. Lexi is a different child. Lexi not only is reading at her grade level, but she understands what she is reading. If she doesn’t understand something she knows what questions to ask.
Even after only one week I began to see improvements in my son’s school work and behavior, it was like something just “clicked”, he has gone from the boy who hated school and a low achiever, to working at or above the national standards and receiving academic awards from his school
This program has helped make my school work easier. I understand my work now and my grades have gone up. I can read a lot faster. I can see the pictures in my mind because I understand what I am reading now
At age 8, I was diagnosed with dyslexia and started the Davis program. This program has made me an advanced reader and confident writer. I am now a high school sophomore, having finished my freshman year with a 4.0 and in contention for valedictorian.
I have become a more confident person. I now have the confidence to read aloud in meetings should the situation arise; rather than retracting in my seat! I feel like I am more of a strategic partner as a consultant – rather than being ashamed for being dyslexic.
Wow!!! What to say about how the Davis Program has done for us??? For the second time I have seen a second son take control of his learning and begin to enjoy reading. It’s like the words are jumping off the page into his mouth. I asked Preston what has been the best thing about the Davis program and he said, “it’s made reading easier”.
It’s probably the best spent money ever. I would do it again in a heart beat only I would do it sooner.
Our son is so much more confident in his reading, in fact he now claims it is his favorite subject in school! He is an A-B student and is keeping up with all the others as far as grades.
My son’s teacher just called me with the latest results of his DIBELS (Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills) test. He had a score of 95! Prior to his Davis Program, his scores were 19, 39 and 75. At the beginning of the school year he was reading far below grade level, and now he is up to grade level.
I received an email from Dasha’s teacher yesterday stating that she’d been tested in reading again yesterday and had improved two levels since she was last tested just before we came up to work with you (3 weeks ago)!!!! The teacher was thrilled and impressed and Dasha was completely excited. It’s a major confidence booster to have her improving so much!
My daughter has turned some major corners. She is reading things she couldn’t even think about reading before. It has also brought my daughter and I closer together!
All the things they say should happen after the program, have happened. It’s made a huge difference in his reading and writing. As a parent I can endorse it 100 percent.
It has only been a few weeks since my program, but I am already seeing remarkable differences in my life! You were right when you said that this was WAY more than a reading program…Dyslexia is a LIFE thing. Interestingly, I have noticed a marked improvement with my sense of direction, my ability to reset myself/get calm and centered in my interactions with co-workers (and they are responding much better to my ideas), and my spelling is miraculously better!
Watching my spouse go through a program like this was incredible. It helped explain so many situations and gave me the ability to be a part of a solution. As much as it was his own style of learning, I also got to learn how to best help him.
Cette méthode m’a permis de faciliter ma concentration, de centrer et trier mes idées plus rapidement. J’ai pris conscience de mes capacités et j’ai retrouvé confiance en moi dans mon travail. Grâce à cette méthode, mes notes se sont améliorées.
I could hardly read at all before I started the programme. For the first time, I finished a book without getting frustrated or angry. I pinched a book from primary school because I wanted to read it and now over 30 years later I can read it. I can read the texts my girlfriend sends me too. I am more mellow now and starting to be me again. I’ve found myself! This course works – better than anything else I’ve tried.
I have noticed a lot of positive changes in my life. I feel happier within my body and more confident on the outside – so I feel like a totally new me. I feel that all of parts of the program really have helped me and will help me enjoy life and be happy being me in a wonderful, beautiful world with lots of opportunities and experiences to look forward to.
Doing this course has given me more confidence. I contribute more in seminars at University, stay focused and have stopped thinking that I was stupid.
You should call this the school of fun. I can read better now. I feel better about myself.
I chose to have my child miss 5 consecutive school days (unexcused) and hoped for the best (I really had nothing to lose). IMMEDIATELY Elyana’s confidence grew a hundred times over. She had NEVER expressed an interest in reading, she always did it in private and would refuse to even attempt to read with any form of an audience, making it impossible for me to help her. Day 3 she asked if she could read to me. By the end of day 5 she was reading fluidly and at her expected grade level!!!
De positieve uitwerking op David is overduidelijk. De frustraties die gepaard gaan bij dyslexie voor het leren van simpele rijtjes (bijv. alfabet opzeggen, wijzers op een klok kijken), worden weggenomen, waardoor David wel het leermateriaal tot zich neemt. De drempel voor lezen is praktisch weg en dit geeft een versnelde reactie op de vakken zoals geschiedenis, aardrijkskunde en de talen. Zowel David als ik zijn blij dat we deze cursus gedaan hebben en ik kan alleen maar iedereen adviseren om deze ook te doen en hoop dat deze cursus routine wordt op de basisscholen in Nederland.
I can read better and faster. I was confident reading a college-age book last night. I am really, really good at Koosh. My balance is excellent!
I have just read my first book and understood it. It was a very enjoyable read and I was very proud that I finished it. Also, I have learnt ways to spell words that I couldn’t spell before. My Maths which wasn’t very good, is now a lot better. I know now all the concepts of maths, place value, addition, subtraction, times tables, percentages, fractions, decimals, ratio and algebra. And it all was much easier than I thought. Also, I won’t have to worry about giving people the wrong change at work.